Xiaomi is all set to launch the Redmi Y3 in India on April 24, but the company might pull off a surprise by launching another smartphone at the event – the Redmi 7. And how is that? Well, the not-so-subtle highlight on the number “7” in an image shared by Xiaomi's Manu Kumar Jain hints that the Redmi 7's arrival is on the horizon. Moreover, tipster Ishan Agarwal recently hinted that the Redmi 7 might arrive in India soon. And with Xiaomi pulling off a double whammy at the Redmi Note 7's launch in India, we suspect the company will do something similar next week.
Earlier today, Xiaomi India's MD, Manu Kumar Jain tweeted an image to highlight the milestone of 7 million shipments crossed by the Redmi Y-series phones. While the achievement is impressive, what really caught our attention was the prominent “7” in the image, and Jain even asks "Y 7? RT if you've cracked this puzzle." These definitely serve as hints that the Redmi 7India launch is also in the offing. After all, the Redmi 7 has already been launched in China, and with India being one of the company's largest markets, it was bound to arrive here sooner than later.
Additionally, tipster Ishan Agarwal hinted earlier this month that the Redmi 7 will be launched in India soon, with the Redmi 7A and the Redmi Y3 also being in the pipeline. And while the Redmi Y3's launch on April 24 has been confirmed, Xiaomi is mum on the Redmi 7's arrival in India. But keeping in mind the company's last major launch event - where Xiaomi pulled off a surprise by launching the Redmi Note 7 alongside the Redmi Note 7 Pro – we are inclined to believe that Xiaomi will use the Redmi Y3's launch stage to bring the Redmi 7 to India as well.
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