Ibrahim Ali Khan, the son of Bollywood's Nawab Saif Ali Khan, went on 18 March to 4 March. In such a situation, his sister Sarai Ali Khan shared a happy picture of his birthday to his brother while sharing a picture on social media. These photos uploaded on Instagram are currently being extremely viral.
Here you can see that actress Sarah Ali Khan is seen in the lap of her younger brother Ibrahim. He is looking into a lot of fun, and as well as his brother is pouting in front of the camera while pouting. With these photos Sarah has also written a beautiful caption.
Here you can see that actress Sarah Ali Khan is seen in the lap of her younger brother Ibrahim. He is looking into a lot of fun, and as well as his brother is pouting in front of the camera while pouting. With these photos Sarah has also written a beautiful caption.
Bollywood News
Here you can see that actress Sarah Ali Khan is seen in the lap of her younger brother Ibrahim. He is looking into a lot of fun, and as well as his brother is pouting in front of the camera while pouting. With these photos Sarah has also written a beautiful caption.
Here you can see that actress Sarah Ali Khan is seen in the lap of her younger brother Ibrahim. He is looking into a lot of fun, and as well as his brother is pouting in front of the camera while pouting. With these photos Sarah has also written a beautiful caption.
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