

Data Entry Operator in the Development Studies Center, passes on the posts of Region Annex, BA, Diploma Pass Pass Application.

Thiruvananthapuram, a development study center, is organizing an interview for qualified and young candidates to fill the vacant posts of Data Entry Operator, Area Annex. Candidates who have passed BA from any accredited institution and are seeking government jobs and want to get government jobs, candidates can apply for these posts before 09 April 2019 and get government jobs and their Dreams can come true. BA Pass candidates have a golden opportunity to get government jobs. Experienced candidates will be given preference in the selection process.
Important dates and notifications -

Name of the post - Data Entry Operator, Area Extrusion
Total posts - 02
End date - 09 April 2019
Location - Thiruvananthapuram
Data Entry Operator Post Recruitment Details 2019

Name of the post
Area Unknown 01 BA Passed
Data entry operator 01 diploma pass
Age Range -

According to the minimum age limit of the candidate, 18 years and maximum age limit will be valid only for 35 years, and special category division will be given relaxation.
the wages -

Those candidates who will be selected will be given 12,000 / - per month according to the department.
Selection Process -

The selection process will be based on interview.
How To Application -

Eligible and interested candidates, Conference Hall, Krishnan Building (Computer Center), CDS, Thiruvananthapuram can participate in the interview by reaching this address and the candidate should carry his original documents with him.
To visit official website here
To download official release here
Here for more government jobs in Kerala.

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