New Delhi: Comedian Sunil Grover is the commentator for the IPL match for UC News. He will comment on the match between Shahrukh Khan's team Kolkata Knight Riders and Preity Zinta's team Kings XI Punjab on April 13. He has shared a video on Twitter, in which he is saying, "I am Sunil Grover and I will do live commentary on the IPL match on April 13." Actress Sunny Leoni also seen with Sunil Grover in this sessionWill come. Sunil did not take the name of the actress in this video, but confirmed that he would be seen with 'Laila' and 'Baby Doll'. Let's say that both of these are Sunny Leoni's item numbers.
With the video Sunil Grover tweeted, "They are all favored, fans call them baby dolls. Do not you gossy who will be with me."Last month, when Melbourne returned to Australia, Kapil had abused Sunil Grover and raised a hand on him. After this Sunil Grover has left 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. Last week, news came that Sunil Grover was raising the salon to Kapil Sharma's show, burying such news, Sunil tweeted, "I want to do my work with full respect. The reason for not doing anything can not be the money.
Bollywood News
With the video Sunil Grover tweeted, "They are all favored, fans call them baby dolls. Do not you gossy who will be with me."Last month, when Melbourne returned to Australia, Kapil had abused Sunil Grover and raised a hand on him. After this Sunil Grover has left 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. Last week, news came that Sunil Grover was raising the salon to Kapil Sharma's show, burying such news, Sunil tweeted, "I want to do my work with full respect. The reason for not doing anything can not be the money.
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